Here you will find all the dates and news about your bike adventure on the BLOCKLINE.
Termine 2023
Article Fravely - the family travel blog
Here you can discover Fravely's travel report.
Radelmädchen has put the BLOCKLINE under the microscope
Here you can discover the travel report.
A daily travelmate was on the road with bicycle trailer and Tow Rope
Here you can discover the travel report.
Press releases and photos of the BLOCKLINE are available in the digital press box of Erlebnisheimat Erzgebirge. If you have any queries, please contact us at presse@erzgebirge-tourismus.de or blockline@erzgebirge-tourismus.de
Termine 2024 / 2025
News about the BLOCKLINE
BLOCKLINE as a gift
Would you like to bring the BLOCKLINE into your everyday life or give it as a gift?
6.11. 2024
"End of season"
The 2024 Blockline season entered its final round with the “end of the season tour.” We tackled Loop 3 - a route full of highlights. There were stops along the way at the Nutcracker Museum in Neuhausen and the Seiffen Star Market.
In the end of the day we enjoyed a delicious buffet and a cozy get-together at the Berghotel Talblick.
Day of Traditional Crafts
In the anniversary year, over a hundred factories, museums and clubs will once again open their doors on 20th of october 2024 for the day of traditional crafts. From mountain blacksmiths to glassblowers, from wood turners to trimming makers - here in the Ore Mountains you can get a taste of real workshop atmosphere and experience authentic traditional crafts in all their diversity.
Autumn along BLOCKLINE
Look at the beautiful colors of nature and enjoy the golden autumn on the BLOCKLINE! Numerous experiences provide variety, such as the summer toboggan runs in Seiffen and Altenberg, the Blockhausen forest adventure village with a great adventure playground or simply a picnic at one of the romantic areas along BLOCKLINE. The Day of Traditional Crafts on October 20, 2024 is a unique day of experience in the Ore Mountains. So enjoy the time here. (Foto: Lukas Häuser).
Geführte Tour auf der BLOCKLINE
That was the guided tour on september 22nd on Loop 1 of BLOCKLINE with our guides! (Foto: Dietrich Sonntag)
Traveling sustainable
Discover the rural idyll in the Erzgebirge around Altenberg in the MDR report #hinREISDEND. For the episode “Land in sight” the MDR team was on the move in the Eastern Ore Mountains and of course also on the BLOCKLINE. Take a look and let yourself be infected by the love of the country.
Cycling excursion on the BLOCKLINE
On September 4th & 5th, 2024, the Erzgebirge hosted the “Mobility Transfer Visit” of the German Networking Agency for Rural Areas (DVS). Trade visitors from all over Germany got an impression of the unique cycling project and other LEADER projects along the route during a cycling excursion on the BLOCKLINE.
Gravel Camp Erzgebirge
What a weekend! From August 30th to September 1st we were able to experience the first Globetrotter Gravel Camp Erzgebirge with many bike fans. Great atmosphere, perfect weather, cool bikes, extensive tours (of course also on the BLOCKLINE), delicious food and a great vibe. (Photo: Lifecycle Media/Martin Donat) Let yourself be inspired by the atmosphere, you can watch our event recap video here.
OutdoorWelt Köln 24./ 25. August
On August 24th/25th, 2024 we will be at the OutdoorWelt Cologne with BLOCKLINE.
Here you can stroll around the Lindenthal Summer Festival and discover great cycling and hiking tips.
News from Sportcollection Altenberg
Every Friday (12:00) there is a biathlon shooting/small caliber event at the original Altenberg biathlon facility.
Pre-registration by 4 p.m. the day before. From 16 years (39€). For FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN we recommend laser shooting on the event area directly in the store, without registration (€5). The SPORTALM offers a snack outside.
Bike service
Attention! In Hermsdorf there is a accessible bike service station at “Berghaus 25”.
Of course there are also reliable bike partners or cycle tube machines along the route, you will find here
BLOCKLINE Radsocken - neu im Webshop
Erstklassiger Tragekomfort trifft Abenteuer – und das im echten BLOCKLINE-Stil. Die stilechten und funktionellen Radsocken der Marke "Miriquidi Socks" gibt es in verschiedenen Größen. Erhältlich im Webshop zum Preis von 13,90 €
Kettensäge WM in Blockhausen
Am kommenden Pfingstwochenende (18.-20.5.2024) findet die internationale Kettensäge WM (Husky Cup) in Blockhausen statt. Natürlich lohnt sich ein Besuch, wenn man auf der BLOCKLINE unterwegs ist. Die Veranstaltung ist Eintrittspflichtig und es werden wieder viele Besucher erwartet. Wer Blockhausen an diesem Wochenende umfahren möchte, findet am Mordsteinweg eine entsprechende Umleitung dafür vor Ort!
Further points of sale for starter packages
- Café am Hochmoor ( Fr.-So. 12:00-17:00 )
- Sportcollection Altenberg ( Mo-Fr. 9:00-18:00 ; Sa. 9:00-13:00), Here you can rent a MTB.
All sale points you find here www.blockline.bike/Starterpakete
Natürlich könnt ihr hier auch Starterpakete online bestellen
Streckenhinweis Loop 3 Seiffen
Auf Loop 3 kommt es in Seiffen auf Grund des Breitbandausbaus zu Einschränkungen über die gesamte Saison 2024. Daher empfehlen wir von der Bahnhofsstraße in Seiffen kommend, am Hotel "Buntes Haus Seiffen" nach links abzubiegen und der Hauptstraße zu folgen. Eine entsprechende Beschilderung ist vor Ort zu finden. Wer die Befahrung auf der Original- Strecke trotzdem in Angriff nehmen möchte, findet auch diese Beschilderung. Allerdings ist mit Einschränkungen zu rechnen.
„Start frei“ für die BLOCKLINE am 26. April
Streckenkontrollen und Nachbeschilderungen sind erledigt, das heißt „Start frei“ für die BLOCKLINE -Saison am 26. April.
15 Etappen, drei Loops (Runden) oder als Gesamtstrecke: auf 140 Kilometer und 2.750 Höhenmeter wartet das einzigartige Bike- Abenteuer. Ideales Terrain für Entdecker – ob mit E-Bike, klassischem Mountainbike oder Gravelbike.
Hier erfahrt ihr weitere Infos zur Saisoneröffnung der BLOCKLINE
BLOCKLINE auf Tour: Auf folgenden Radmessen sind wir mit der BLOCKLINE unterwegs: LEEZENFrühling Münster (17./18.Februar 2024); Osnabrücker Fahrradmesse (3. März 2024); Cyclingworld in Düsseldorf (15.-17. März 2024); VELOBerlin (13.-14. April 2024).
Kommt vorbei, wir freuen uns auf Euch !
Nature & environment
The BLOCKLINE leads through beautiful landscapes and nature.
So why not discover one or two things in more detail? We present offers of nature and environment along the BLOCKLINE and in the surrounding area. You can also find exciting details about the flora, fauna and cultural history in the adventure handbook and on the BLOCKLINE information boards.
Vom 30. August bis 1. September 2024 findet das erste GLOBETROTTER GRAVEL CAMP ERZGEBIRGE statt. Verschiedene Tourenangebote entlang der BLOCKLINE sowie eine Expo-& Event-Area mit Workshops, Vorträgen, Get- Together u.v.m. warten in einer entspannten Camping-Location der Altenberger Galgenteiche auf Euch! Ticketverkauf startet demnächst!
Wenn Ihr auf dem Laufendem zu diesem Event bleiben wollt, klickt hier und meldet Euch zum Newsletter an.
Herzklopfen auf der BLOCKLINE
Thomas Rathay & Silke Rommel ( Outdoor-Hochgenuss ) berichten im Rahmen der CMT Stuttgart, auf der ADFC- Bühne in Halle 9 in einem Reisevortrag über ihre mehrtägigen Erlebnisse auf der BLOCKLINE. Seid am 14.1.2024, 16:00 Uhr dabei und lasst Euch vom Herzklopfen auf der BLOCKLINE anstecken.
Beitrag im Onlinemagazin Gravelfun
In der diesjährig letzten Ausgabe des Onlinemagazins Gravelfun ( 03/2023) findet Ihr einen spannenden Tourenbericht zur BLOCKLINE, den ihr keinesfalls verpassen solltet. Redakteur David Bahn hat die BLOCKLINE mit dem Gravelbike unter die Räder genommen. Ebenso findet Ihr hier weitere Graveltouren im Erzgebirge ! Also reinschauen und inspirieren lassen.
Und hier gibt`s den Videobeitrag dazu: Fantastische Graveltouren auf der BLOCKLINE im Erzgebirge
Gift of a bike adventure
Das Bike- Abenteuer der BLOCKLINE geht in die wohlverdiente Winterpause. Nun wird die Strecke den Wintersportfans überlassen. Aber warum nicht schon für die nächste Saison vorsorgen ?
With a BLOCKLINE travel voucher or a starter package, your next bike adventure begins at home! And this is how you can give the gift of bike joy: Order a starter package You can obtain travel vouchers upon request at blockline@erzgebirge-tourismus.de
Shipping only possible within Germany.
Saison- Abschlusstreffen 2023
Am 26. Oktober fand das Saisonabschlusstreffen der BLOCKLINE im Walderlebnisdorf Blockhausen statt. Insgesamt folgten 35 Netzwerkpartner (Bürgermeister, Tourist-Informationen, Gastgeber, Streckenhelfer) der Einladung, wo einige Zahlen und Infos hinter den Kulissen vorgestellt wurden.
Mit voller Kraft gehen nun die Vorbereitung und Weiterentwicklungen der BLOCKLINE weiter, denn: "Nach der Saison ist vor der Saison." Danke an alle Partner und Unterstützer der BLOCKLINE !
new pump track in Hermsdorf
You can train your technique in the newly opened pump track in Hermsdorf. The pump track is located approx. 850 m from the BLOCKLINE track, next to the football field in Hermsdorf. You can find information on site. The area is accessible at any time and can be used freely. You can find the rules of use on the information sign.
Simply Feel Good in Deutschland. Die BLOCKLINE ist dabei !
Die BLOCKLINE ist Teil der diesjährigen Nachhaltigkeitskampagne "Feel Good" der Deutschen Zentrale für Tourismus (DZT). Auf der Website www.germany.travel/de/feel-good/nachhaltigkeit werden 140 nachhaltige touristische Reiseideen präsentiert. Das Bike- Abenteuer BLOCKLINE wird unter der Rubrik "On tour" vorgestellt und ist damit eines von 14 Tipps im Bereich Rad & Wandern.
Infos zur Nachhaltigkeitskampagne der DZT
MDR Beitrag "Unterwegs in Sachsen.." auf der BLOCKLINE
Das MDR - Team mit Moderator Alex Huth hat die BLOCKLINE ( Loop2 & Loop3) an zwei Fahrtagen unter die Räder genommen.
Herbst auf der BLOCKLINE
Genießt den goldenen Herbst auf der BLOCKLINE. Zum Tag des Handwerks am 15. Oktober entdeckt Ihr vielerorts fantastische Handwerkstechniken. Oder wie wäre es mit einem geführten Tourenangebot auf der BLOCKLINE ?
Tipps für den Herbst auf der BLOCKLINE
buchbare Angebote für den Herbsturlaub
Die BLOCKLINE braucht Eure Unterstützung
Ihr seid die Strecke diese Saison oder auch schon 2021/22 gefahren? Dann sagt uns, was wir tun können, um die BLOCKLINE noch besser zu machen! Die Teilnahme dauert nur wenige Minuten und jede Antwort hilft.
Jetzt mitmachen »
Altenberg World Heritage Pass
The Altenberg holiday region is now offering a combination ticket that allows you to visit the Altenberg World Heritage museum components. These are the United Zwitterfeld zu Zinnwald visitor mine, the Altenberg Mining Museum, the Eastern Ore Mountains Museum at Lauenstein Castle and the Altenberg Pinge. The pass also includes the digital World Heritage audio guide.
Umleitung auf BLOCKINE Etappe 13 aufgehoben
Die Etappe 13 der BLOCKLINE ist wieder als Originalstrecke befahrbar und führt zum idyllischen Glashüttenteich sowie anschließend auf den Gipfel des Schwartenbergs, von wo aus Ihr einen tollen Ausblick genießt.
Das Hotel Dachsbaude sowie der Waldgasthof Bad Einsiedel sind die BLOCKLINE Inn-Partner auf diesem Abschnitt !
Bürgermeister radeln BLOCKLINE
Neun Kommunen entlang der BLOCKLINE (Rechenberg-Bienenmühle, Altenberg, Hermsdorf, Mulda, Frauenstein, Dorfchemnitz, Seiffen, Neuhausen, Sayda) stellen für das Projekt eine sehr wichtige Partnerschaft dar. Ein Vormittag stand für 4 Bürgermeister ganz im Zeichen der BLOCKLINE, denn: zusammen ging es auf Tour vom Flugzeugmuseum Cämmerswalde nach Neuhermsdorf ( Etappe 15 & Etappe 1).
Summertime along BLOCKLINE
Cool forests, small streams, fantastic views and pure swimming fun await you during a summer tour on the BLOCKLINE. There are numerous opportunities to jump into the cool water. The wonderful designed BLOCKLINE locations invite you to relax and linger.
Here you`ll find information for your summertime along the BLOCKLINE
On top of the "Kahleberg"
At the highest elevation in the Eastern Ore Mountains (BLOCKLINE Loop 1 / Stage 3) you can stop off again at the Kahlebergbaude. The popular excursion destination has been extensively renovated and modernized by Sachsenforst in recent months. A perfect place to enjoy views
Route information
The BLOCKLINE locations are equipped with purple signs. If you scan the respective QR code, you will receive location-related route information. Have fun trying out and discovering the BLOCKLINE!
Points of sale starter packages
BLOCKLINE starter packages are available online and in the tourist information centers along the route. The Freiberg Tourist Information Center and the Neuhausen Nutcracker Museum (new!) also offer packages for sale.
Here you find the points of sale
Start of the BLOCKLINE 2023 season
During the Easter holidays, bike fans can pedal and breathe in the spring, because the BLOCKLINE season has started! Current route information for Loop 3, stage 13: the Seiffen – Schwartenberg section will be diverted due to construction work. You can find the detour route here. The diversion is signposted on site.
BLOCKLINE on tour. We are on the road with the BLOCKLINE at the following bike fairs: Osnabrück Bike Fair (March 5, 2023); Cyclingworld in Düsseldorf (March 10-12, 2023); FOR BIKES in Prague (March 24-26, 2023); VELOBerlin (May 6-7, 2023).
Christmas Glory
Christmas events & traditions let the BLOCKLINE shine in wonderful splendor.
Give away a bike adventure!
The next adventure starts at home with the BLOCKLINE starter package. The heart of the adventure package is the lovingly illustrated manual, with which exciting puzzles can be solved. Also included are a BLOCKLINE multifunctional cloth, the dragonfly patch and much more! Give away a starter pack now.
BLOCKLINE end of season 2022
BLOCKLINE end of season 2022 for this year. Thank you for visiting the BLOCKLINE and also many thanks to all our partners! We are already in the preparations for 2023. The next BLOCKLINE season starts on April 28th, 2023.
Shop promotion: BLOCKLINE favourite jumper
When it gets chilly outside, there's nothing better than putting on a cosy jumper. That way, your BLOCKLINE adventure will be one to remember! To keep you extra-warm, we're adding a free multisheet to every jumper you order until 20.12.2022.Grab your new favourite jumper!
Discoveries for kids along the BLOCKLINE!
Whether summer toboggan run, mountain cars, climbing labyrinth, real airplanes or great museums: Discover our leisure tips along the BLOCKLINE.
Golden autumn on the BLOCKLINE
The BLOCKLINE season continues until 31.10.2022. There are only a few weeks left until then. Take advantage of the sunny autumn days and enjoy a bike tour through the colourful forest!
Summer time = bike time!
The BLOCKLINE is the perfect destination for day trips, weekend trips and even longer stays. If you are still looking for suitable stages, you will find a new planning overview here. There you can also make a non-binding request for an accommodation offer.
Discover the BLOCKLINE with the route map
The new BLOCKLINE starter pack route map is now available. With the folding map you can see all stages, loops and the total route at a glance. Lovely illustrations show you the way to your biking adventure. You'll find plenty of tips on the map to look at, linger, stop and take a break along the way. You can order both starter packs via the website.
June 2022
Impressions of the BLOCKLINE
You can find various videos about the BLOCKLINE on YouTube. We have collected all the testimonials in a playlist on the BLOCKLINE channel. Stop by now
"The highlights of the tour were the beautiful route and this fantastic view. The time on the BLOCKLINE with my three best friends was just great!"
André, BLOCKLINE rider in May
"The route goes along beautiful forest and field paths through the Hemmschuh nature reserve, past the Wüster pond and up the Kahleberg. It's all well signposted and also easy to ride with a gravel bike."
Tobias, BLOCKLINE rider in May
The season is officially open!
We are looking forward to all the adventurers who will be on the BLOCKLINE this year! Are you with us?
Visit us at the VELOBerlin!
Come by and ask us your questions. Take the opportunity and let us help you with your planning. You can find more information about the bicycle festival at veloberlin.com. We will be waiting for you at the booth of the Erzgebirge Tourism Association!
In 8 weeks it will start again!
The countdown to the start of the season is on: On 29.04.2022 the BLOCKLINE officially starts its second season! Have you already planned your bike adventure?
Ihr habt noch Fragen zu Eurem Bike-Abenteuer?
On our website you will now find the most frequently asked questions and answers about the BLOCKLINE adventure. Whether it's about the right bike, the journey or the planning. You'll find all the tips there!
Saxony is the most hospitable federal state!
The Traveller Review Awards counted millions of reviews and came up with what we already knew: hospitality is written large in Saxony and especially in the Ore Mountains!Oberwiesenthal was in fact voted the second most hospitable town »
Start of the pre-season preparation
Our BLOCKLINE Inns have sat down for the first time to talk about the upcoming 2022 season. So slowly the anticipation for the BLOCKLINE guests is rising!
Celebrating Christmas with the BLOCKLINE
You don't know our merch yet? In our shop you will find smart children's shirts, cosy hoodies and practical multi-scarves. »
End of the first BLOCKLINE season!
We can hardly believe it and are happy about every biker who was on the track in 2021!
Does the BLOCKLINE work with smaller children?
A Daily Travelmate tried it out with a bike trailer and Tow Rope"
Radelmädchen took a close look at the BLOCKLINE
Read her verdict here on which bike is suitable: Gravelbike vs. MTB"
"Are you a sporty family looking for a weekend of biking adventure? Then the BLOCKLINE is the place for you!"
"100% Gravel-suitable!" That's the verdict of finisher Stefan.
Terrific start and enthusiastic guests: "Great route, super signposted and a great starter package!", raves finisher Benjamin.
Family event along the entire BLOCKLINE: Procedure and all information here »
Festive official opening in Holzhau: all informations here »
Third season preparation meeting of the BLOCKLINE Inns
Second season preparation meeting of the BLOCKLINE Inns
First season preparation meeting of the BLOCKLINE Inns
The BLOCKLINE in the chamber newspaper
The Chamber of Commerce newspaper presents the BLOCKLINE as a special LEADER project.
Lots of feedback from the first test riders
"Awesome nature scenery, wonderful hiking and biking routes rediscovered! Simply fantastic views!"
Maik and Marcus from Olbernhau
Minister of State Klepsch visits BLOCKLINE and inspects the current development status
The test phase of the BLOCKLINE has begun
All bikers are cordially invited to test the BLOCKLINE track. An ideal outing with the kids for 2020 fall vacations.
Local bikers help with signage for the BLOCKLINE
Track equipment for the BLOCKLINE goes into production
Test phase of BLOCKLINE postponed until fall 2020 due to corona conditions
"Abenteuer Mountainbike" magazine reports on the BLOCKLINE bike adventure
Feature on the BLOCKLINE in Saxony's new bike magazine "Sax-Tracks
Further design templates for the bike adventure BLOCKLINE are coordinated
MTB celebrities Steffi Marth and Tobias Woggon explore the BLOCKLINE
Corporate design for the BLOCKLINE is presented
First professional photos are produced for the BLOCKLINE
Implementation of the family bike tour BLOCKLINE has begun
Concept for the family bike adventure BLOCKLINE presented